Sunday 2 June

Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay

Newsletter 22-24                     

Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates

In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.

(** see below for more details.)

  • Friday 7 June 7 pm. Start of a series of fortnightly public evenings on "The Essence of Steiner Education - an introduction to the Anthroposophy of Dr. Rudolf Steiner." led by Robin Bacchus
  • Friday 14 June. 7 pm.  Leading Thoughts 91 to 93.
  • Saturday 29 June 7 pm. MidWinter Festival. David Urieli will speak
  • Saturday 6 July 9:30 to noon, School of Spiritual Science, mantra 16
  • Wednesdays 3, 10, 17, 24 July.  7pm. Conversations on the Foundation Stone Meditation 

    The Essence of Steiner Education

A series of seven fortnightly evenings for the public of Hawkes Bay.

 Each evening will have a talk, and opportunity for questions, discussion and sharing - dedicated to discovering Rudolf Steiner’s ANTHROPOSOPHY, the way of thinking and perceiving the world that lies behind the Steiner/Waldorf education of Taikura School, the Inclusive Social Development of Hohepa, Biodynamic farming and gardening, the adult education courses of Taruna College, Anthroposophical Nursing and Healthcare, Weleda medicines and the theology of the Christian Community at Rangimarie.

There are a smorgasbord of possible questions to explore:

  • What is my most profound question about life?
  • What is the meaning of life?
  • How can I understand the human being as Body, Soul, and Spirit?
  • How do the Kingdoms of Nature relate to us?
  • The ‘Big Bang’.  Was all matter created in an instant and none thereafter?
  • What is Truth?
  • What is Anthroposophical spiritual science?
  • Human development from before conception to death and beyond;
  • What are the key principles for a healthy education?
  • Some thoughts regarding curriculum:
    • Stage of child development as the key to topic and treatment;
    • History: How past human deeds shape our modern life;
    • Geography: How where we live affects how we live;
    • Science as a method of exploring the natural world we live in;
    • The spirit of Mathematics involves pure thinking.

Robin Bacchus will be the facilitator. 
Robin is an experienced Steiner/Waldorf teacher. 
He was one of the founding teachers of the Taikura High School and later taught a lower class for 8 years.  
At Taruna College he led the Steiner Teacher Preparatory Course for 17 years before traveling regularly to Asia as a Waldorf Education Consultant for 10 years.

The first evening will be on Friday 7 June from 7 to 9pm
at the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
(over the road from Taikura School entrance).

Further evenings will be held on Fridays fortnightly: 
21 June; 5, 19 July; 2, 16, 30 August.

A L L   W E L C O M E

Hot Water Cyclinder

A few weeks ago the Centre's quite old hot water cylinder 'burst' and flooded the broom cupboard below it. Luckily the vaccuum cleaner survived the drenching and is working again.  The committee considered some alternatives, such as having one or more instant hotwater devices for the three taps that previously had hot water.  However the devices are quite expensive and would require new plumbing and new heavy duty electrical wiring into maybe three rooms.  In the end we decided to replace the 180 litre cylinder with one half the size [it is no longer a dwelling with people having showers]. Adequate wiring and existing plumbing are fine.

However we had to create a high door to remove the old cylinder and put in the new one.  To meet current regulations a spill tray had to be inserted and the tempering valve above it had to be replaced.  For all this, the bill was still quite hefty - $4,854.  We would be grateful if members could quite soon make their annual contribution to the Branch, for which notices were sent out recently.  38-9016-0511420-00

ARISTOTLE’S 10 Rules for a Good Life

From Nicomachean Ethics [from a pre-Christian time]

  1.  COURAGE.  Willingness to sacrifice.
    Name your fears and face them.
  2. TEMPERANCE.  Self-control.
    Know your appetites and control them.
  3. LIBERALITY.  Generosity.
    Be neither a cheapskate nor a spendthrift.
  4. MAGNIFICENCE.  Munificence.
    Give as generously as you can.
  5. GREATNESS OF SOUL.  High-mindedness.
    Focus more on the transcendent; disregard the trivial.
    True strength is a controlled temper.
  7. TRUTHFULNESS about yourself.  Humility.
    Never lie, especially to yourself.
  8. EQUITY.  Fairness.|
    Stop struggling for your fair share.  Redress past discrimination against others.
    Forgive others, and forbear their weaknesses.
  10. MODESTY. 
    Define your morality; live up to it, even in private.

Still quite valid, I think, even after 2,500 years!

Editor: Robin Bacchus 

If you have somrthing to share or announce, please contact me:

Posted: Sat 01 Jun 2024
