
Membership of the Anthroposophical Society is open to any individual who wishes to affirm Anthroposophy and the worldwide work based at the Goetheanum.

This is an open society, without political agenda or religious affiliation. Becoming a member opens up opportunities to meet with others who strive to integrate the spiritual with their everyday life and work. Being a member of a religion, political party or culture, is not a hindrance to joining the Anthroposophical Society. The work of the Society is inspired by the philosophy and spiritual insights of Rudolf Steiner. 

If you would like to join the Society you may wish to first speak with one of the Group Representatives, for more information contact  Anthroposophical Society NZ.  Or apply on line 

Membership of the Hawkes Bay Branch is available to any member of the General Anthroposophical Society living in Hawkes Bay. If you are a GAS member new to the area and wish to join the branch please contact us. We would love to hear from you.