Sunday 14 July

Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay

Newsletter 28-24                     

Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates

In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.

  • Wednesdays 17, 24 July.  7pm. Conversations on the Foundation Stone Meditation 
  • Friday 19 July. 7 pm.  "The Essence of Steiner Education -   an introduction to the Anthroposophy of Dr. Rudolf Steiner." led by Robin Bacchus    
    #3: "Life forces and Learning".  All those who are curious are welcome.
  • Thursday, 25th July, 10.00 a.m. Winter Conversations with Lesley Waite (See below). 
  • Friday 2 August. 7 pm.  "The Essence of Steiner Education -
       an introduction to the Anthroposophy of Dr. Rudolf Steiner." led by Robin Bacchus    
       #4: "Human and Cosmic rhythms".  All those who are curious are welcome.
  • Saturday 3 August 9:30 to noon, School of Spiritual Science, mantra 17
  • Saturday 10 August. 8:30am.  ASNZ Society Day and AGM in the Rudolf Steiner Centre, Hastings.  (See below)

Winter Conversations

Thursday, 25th July, 10.00a.m. at the Centre.

We are glad to be offering Winter Conversations.  Following morning tea, Lesley Waite will talk with us. 

“I will share some biographical sketches of my path to the Christian Community Priesthood from family surroundings in medicine through fields of education.”

All welcome.

There will be a charge of $2 (or Koha) to help cover morning tea costs.

Bernie Raichle and Diana Bacchus

Meetings with Michelle

We [Bernie and Diana] meet with Michelle Vette from time to time to offer local support to her and the other Council members, Emma and Nic.  To assist with communication, we would like to share a few things that we discussed this week.  

Society Day and AGM

Saturday, 10th August, beginning at 8.30 a.m. 

This is to be held at the Centre, hosted by the local HB Branch of the Anthro Society, and helpers.  There is an exciting programme based on the theme "100 +1".  This is a theme that people at the Goetheanum are working with, looking forward to the coming years and the potential that abounds for the future.  There are a variety of contributors from NZ giving talks, leading discussions and artistic work. 

The ASNZ Council have informed members via email of this event and will  be keeping them up to date. For  RSVP registrations, go  to  the members’ section at  

PLEASE Circle Saturday 10th August on your calendar .  

Regional Zoom meetings

Next Regional Zoom meeting of Council members and people from different regions  is on Monday, 22nd July and we hope to give you a short report after this.

Kolisko Conference

The next Kolisko Conference will be held in Hastings, Friday 11 - Monday 14 April, 2025.  

This is planned to be a major event with guest speakers: -

  • Dr Adam Blanning, GP and Medical Section leader, 
  • Chris Burke and Anne de Wild from the Humming Bird Principle

PLEASE Keep this date - the weekend before Easter next year - free.

Overseas guest speakers

If you are arranging for overseas visitors to contribute at Anthroposophical events, please inform Michelle as this strengthens communications and assists with coordination of visiting speakers, dates and events.

Bernie Raichle and Diana Bacchus


There have been recent complaints that the Daikin Heat Pump Air Conditioner in the Main Room was not working,

WE have had it serviced.  The refrigerant gas was depleted – this has been replenished and the Heat Pump is now working well. 

From another point of view: Do any readers have a knee rug or two that they could donate to the Centre?

The technicians had a few pointers for us:

  1. The system works by extracting heat from the outside air.  If the outside air is very cold, the system is less efficient and it takes a longer time to start producing warmth – so don’t be impatient!.
  2. The system produces heat at a set rate – that is not changed by raising the Temperature setting – it only makes it go for longer, not more powerfully.  Set temperature to 23*C only
    For a faster start select the POWERFUL button. (see below)
  3. There 5 action MODES on the Remote Control:
    • Auto; selects Heat or Cool as appropriate to maintain set temperature.
    • Dry [Dehumidifier]  Symbol: 2 drops of water.
    • Heat    Symbol ‘Sun’
    • Cool    Symbol ‘Snowflake’
    • Fan [5 levels]   Symbol ‘Fan’
  1. The INTELLIGENT EYE: If selected, the sensor detects human movement in a room. If no one is in the room for more than 20 minutes, the operation automatically changes to an energy-saving option.
  2. WEEKLY TIMER.  Up to 4 timer settings can be saved for each day of the week according to needs. The WEEKLY TIMER allows you to set on/off times and the desired temperature.
  3. COMFORT AIRFLOW: The airflow direction is upward while in COOL and DRY operation, and downward while in HEAT operation. This function prevents cold or warm air from blowing directly on your body.
  4. To start with POWERFUL operation [Maximum power setting] press the ‘strongman’ symbol.   
    The POWERFUL operation ends iafter 20 minutes. Then the system automatically reverts to the previous settings which were in use before POWERFUL selection.

If you need more details (including setting the Timer) please go to:  This Manual has been printed and will be attached to the wall beside the Remote.


Building Valuation

This report completed a few weeks ago can be read on our website under More...  Building Valuation

Chris Bacchus offers:

Foundation Stone Meditation [FSM] Conversation Series

#3 Wednesday 17 July, 7pm at the Centre

This is truly an unending topic.  We began with a brief look at the model of the first Goetheanum, in the main room.  We then heard the first part of the “FSM”.   Up to the first time “May Human Beings Hear it.” rings out. 

We will continue with a look, next Wednesday, at the columns inside the large Cupola.  If this interests you feel free to join us for this episode.  

No matter how many times we have a conversation on the “FSM”, it will never cover entirely the same ground, so manifold are the possibilities in this meditation.  

  Christopher Bacchus

Maggie Farr offers:

  • KOHA ART CLASS. Wednesday July 24th

1.00pm to 2.30pm

TXT Maggie 027-2484193


Art history 6 week course in Term 3 .

Come along for a small glimpse into art history. Starting with the 1.Prehistoric/Egyptian, 2. Greek/Etruscan, etc,  finishing with the Renaissance.  There will be a small introduction followed by an artistic exercise. No artistic experience needed. 

When: Wednesday 12.30/2.45.

Where: Margaret-Mary Farr Studio/Gallery

100 Eastbourne Street East, Hastings

Dates: July 31st,  August 7,14,21,28; September 4th

Costs:  $165.

Txt Maggie on 027-2484193


Come along and get inspired.  

Kathy Allan offers:

Therapeutic Pastel Class - Term3

The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily

Ten guided colour meditations introducing the characters, beings and landscapes.
(Working with the colours in front and behind the light)

Where....Rudolf Steiner Centre Art Room

When.....Wednesdays 10am- 11.30 start July 24th

Tutor....Kathy Allan is a Leane Collot d'Herbois art therapist.

Contact Kathy on 027-2330970


Demons / Ghosts / Phantoms

"You must realize that in the astral body and in the etheric body, as well as in the physical body, you feel the workings of other beings; all that you do involuntarily, everything to which you are impelled, is due to the working of other beings; it is not born from nothingness. The various members of man’s nature are all the time actually permeated and filled by other beings, and many of the exercises given by an initiated teacher are for the purpose of driving out these beings in order that a man may become more and more free.

The beings who permeate the astral body and make it unfree are known as “Demons.” Your astral body is always interpenetrated by demons and the beings you yourselves generate through your true or false thoughts are of such a nature that they gradually grow into demons. There are good demons, generated by good thoughts; but bad thoughts, above all those that are untruthful, generate demoniacal forms of the most terrible and frightful kind and these interlard the astral body — if I may so express it. The etheric body is also permeated by beings from which man must free himself; these beings are called “Spectres”, “ghosts.” And finally, permeating the physical body there are beings known as “Phantoms.” Besides these three classes there are yet other beings, the “Spirits,” who drive the Ego hither and thither — the Ego itself also being a Spirit. In actual fact the human being generates such creatures who then determine his inner and outer destiny when he descends to incarnation. These beings work in your life in such a way that you can feel the “demons” created by your astral body, the “ghosts” or “spectres” created by your etheric body and the “phantoms” created by your physical body. All these beings are related to you and approach you when the time comes for reincarnation."

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 99 -Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: VI: THE LAW OF DESTINY – Munich, 30th May 1907

Translated by M. Cotterell & D.S. Osmond

Posted: Sun 14 Jul 2024
