News 35: 1 September

Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay

Newsletter 35-24 for Sunday 1 September 2024                   

Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates

In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.

  •  Today,  Sunday 1st September at 3:00 p.m.
    Caring for Others at the End of Life - with Georgina Langdale
  • Friday 6th September 6pm  Introductory talk for The Art of Curative Eurythmy workshops by Dr Richard Drexel in the Korimako Hall, Taruna College, 33 Te Mata Peak Road, Havelock North. Entrance $20
  • Saturday 7th September. 9:30 to noon. School of Spiritual Science. Mantra 18
  •  Sunday 8th September, 3:00 p.m. 
    When I Die  -  with Kathryn Perks  and 
    Drawing  our Lives to a Close - with Jocelyn Freeman,  
  • Friday 13th September. 7:30 p.m.  Talk "Knowing Reality" by Ian Trousdell $10; followed by Seminar all day Saturday 14th.



  • On the living pathway towards death
  • The Art of Curative Eurythmy
  • Knowing Reality


Living on the Pathway towards Death 

Many thanks to Joce, Michelle and Deb for their contributions at the Forum with Anthroposophical Nurses, the first in this series which was attended by 35 people.  Very generous contributions enabled us to make a koha to the Centre to help with heating and general upkeep.  We hope this can continue.  Thank you.  

Each of the sessions is independent and one does not have to have attended any previous sessions, so everyone is most welcome to join us today.

Caring for Others at the End of Life ----
exploring the role of the end-of-life doula, with Georgina Langdale.

Sunday,  1st September at 3:00 p.m.

Georgina helps people navigate life transitions, including the end of life.  Inspired by Nature and wisdom of the mystics, she describes her work as ‘earth medicine for the soul’.  Published author, artist, reiki master, plant medicine maker, and ordained interfaith minister, Georgina teaches internationally.  Before returning to New Zealand in 2011, she worked in the arts, global conversation initiatives, and for the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew.  She founded her company Archeus in 2013 and is currently on a sabbatical from her coaching and guidance work while working on her next book.

Prior to Georgina's talk there will be light refreshments. 

Koha appreciated .  


 And the following Sunday is the third session in this series.

Living on the Pathway towards Death 
Sunday,  8th September, 3.00p.m.

When I Die  -   with Kathryn Perks

 *** a short break with light refreshments followed by  -

Drawing  our Lives to a Close - with Jocelyn Freeman, 


Kathryn Perks, who lives locally, is in touch with organisations and people in NZ who are involved with ideas and activities relating to end-of-life situations.

After we die, there are many important tasks that have to be carried out, usually by family members or friends.  Kathryn has produced a handbook called When I Die and already 2,000 copies have sold.  By collating and recording personal details now, we can make things easier for those who have to carry out all the necessary tasks that are to be fulfilled after death. 

Kathryn will share her experiences and give us guidelines on what we can do now that will help others in the future.  Her book, When I Die will be on sale, $20, (kindly reduced price for this session), cash please, no eftpos facilities.

 Jocelyn Freeman writes   “As an Anthroposophical nurse  and a biography counselor, I have been interested in the meaning of illness and accidents.   I have found that as one moves towards death, biography is a good reflective tool for the process of acceptance and for the preparation for dying.  At this session, there will be an overview regarding the stream of what we brought with us and how we have transformed our meetings of self and world  into stores for the future.”  

Bernie Raichle and Diana Bacchus

Beginning this series, a candle was lit, the following verse was spoken and we had a silent time to remember those friends and relations who have already trodden the Pathway towards Death, are no longer on earth  but are with us in spirit.

The Bridge     by Joy Cowley

There are times in life
when we are called to be bridges,
not a great monument spanning a distance,
and carrying loads of heavy traffic
but a simple bridge to help one person
from here to there over some difficulty
such as pain, grief, fear, loneliness,
a bridge which opens the way
for ongoing journey.

When I become a bridge for another,
I bring upon myself a blessing,
for I escape from the small prison of self
and exist for a wider world,
breaking out to be a larger being
who can enter another's pain
and rejoice in another's triumph.

I know of only one greater blessing 
in this life, and that is, 
to allow someone else 
to be a bridge for me. 

(In Aotearoa Psalms, Prayers of a New People, 
text by Joy Cowley. Photos by Terry Coles)


Report on Nurses Forum:   held on Sunday 25 August

Here are a few glimpses from the forum where three experienced Anthroposophical nurses, Deb Bednarek, Jocelyn Freeman and Michelle Vette shared their experiences and insights from working with people reaching the end of their lives – an experience which they felt was a privilege.


Every person’s path towards death is different.  For some there is little loss of faculty and function leading to a peaceful last sleep and final breath; crossing this threshold with anticipation of starting their journey in a purely spiritual world; others struggle with severe pain, the decline and loss of faculties, organic and mental functions.  Nurses can here offer compassionate, palliative care including body oilings and therapies that ease the process of reaching that final moment with dignity and quality of life.  The nurses felt it was not their task to alter someone’s destiny by artificially prolonging their life but to allow the process of dying to move forward with dignity and acceptance.

There is, however, not only the dying person, but the immediate family and caregivers to consider in helping them understand what is happening and to accept it without fear and anxiety.  Nurses can help families by sharing in conversations their experience that can ease minds.  Of course, some people are alone without family through this final time and nurses can, to some degree, offer companionship through this stage.

The nurses said that when they are with a person who has died, they make sure the room is clean and tidy, putting away medicines and items no longer needed.  Verses or prayers can be spoken for the soul that has crossed the threshold and then comes the final caring, washing and dressing of the body.  The family, whanau, friends  then have the important and tiring tasks that are related to gatherings and ceremonies leading to the committal of the body to its final resting place. 

(Robin Bacchus)



Dear Friends,

 We would like to invite you to our new course introducing the art of curative eurythmy.

The course takes place over three weekends in early Sept, mid November and late February and will alternate between Hawkes Bay (Taruna) and Auckland.

The eurythmy aspects will be taught by Helen Proctor, Richard Drexel and Jonathan White with teaching support from René de Monchy and Matthias Seidel.

Please see the poster and registration file

Curative Eurythmy #1

Curative Eurythmy #2

 If you have any questions please email Jonathan White at

With warmest winter’s greetings.

 Helen, Richard and Jonathan


Knowing Reality seminars

 Greetings everyone.

I am giving regional seminars in the next few months up until the end of November.

Also f.y.i., my book How To Know Reality will soon be completed as a draft first effort of 21 chapters.  After that I need to go back through it all and bring the earlier chapters up to date with the later ones.  My effort is to bring together all the main indications from Dr Steiner on self-development alongside other traditions’ insights that are in tune with what he suggests.

 It is made up of three consecutive books.

1/ Preparing for the journey into reality.

2/ Journey into deeper reality.

3/ Living in deeper reality.

 I have a publisher in England who will then want to edit it all over again, I am sure.

But I hope it can be published in late 2025 as a manual of self-transformation with indications about carrying out spiritual research.

 best wishes 


Ian Trousdell

NZ - 18 Morse Street, Napier 4110


NZ mobile +64 21 959 112

WhatsApp - via NZ mobile

WeChat ID = Tros6566


with Ian Trousdell
From August to November 2024
Lectures: Friday evenings (except Auckland, Thursday)
Seminar: Saturdays 9 – 5.30 and Sundays 9 – 12.30. (except Hastings, only Saturday)
Higher Self Consultations: Friday or Sunday afternoons. (Also at other times.)
Anthroposophy is a Way of Knowing
not just a body of knowledge.


Freeing awareness, the light of knowing, from its submergence in consciousness
is core to perceiving higher realities at work in the physical world.
Ian is offering a Saturday seminar teaching how to safely research the higher dimensions of reality that Rudolf Steiner called the etheric, astral and spiritual worlds. These methods are similar to those Dr. Steiner used, as indicated by him in various ways. He described seven ascending stages of the anthroposophical path which lead the individual spirit finding itself within the universal spirit, moving from the study of anthroposophical concepts on to developing the intuitive capacities of Imagination, Inspiration and Greater Intuition, followed by three further stages within the spiritual worlds.

On the Friday evening talk, Ian will introduce the topic of spiritual research and how to merge with the inner life and being of things in the world around you to know their reality as well as answering your questions about this overall topic.
During the weekend seminar we will learn how to experience these intuitive capacities directly and practice how to use them to enhance our work in the world. Part of the weekend will involve freeing awareness as the light of knowing in all things you do, including how to use it to enter into the inner reality of things in nature.

Posted: Wed 28 Aug 2024
