News 38: 22 SeptemberAnthroposophy in Hawkes BayNewsletter 38-24 for Sunday 22 September 2024 Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
*************************************** A spring festival will be held on Sunday 29 September through the day. The Motto for the Spring from the Esoteric School: ‘Behold Within’* – can be the theme in all we do and present at the festival... (*’O Mensch erkenne Dich’ – find the balance between Lucifer and Ahriman strongly present at this time! – in the ‘Representative of Man’). Spring Festival A Time for Balance and Healing In the Soul Calendar there is a two-way communication with the spirit at this time: There will be 3 parts you can join in on. 1st - at 10 am will be a reading of lecture 3 from The Four Seasons and the Archangels. 2nd - at 3 pm will be a stirring of BD preparation 500 with Jen Speedy, at the centre. 3rd - will be an evening 7 for 7.30pm poetry, songs, a brief mystery drama reading and an address by Chris Bacchus. *************************************** Invitation to Rising Moon Cafe Sunday, 6th October, 3.00 p.m. At the Rudolf Steiner Centre, Hastings. Rising Moon Cafe follows on from the three sessions on Living on the Pathway towards Death. Its aim is to provide an opportunity for people to meet together and share their own experiences or thoughts relating to end of life and death. Koha towards refreshments and use of the Centre will be appreciated. *************** When arranging the Rising Moon Cafe, we found inspiration and practical ideas from the Death Cafes which began early in the 21st century and have been attended by more than 18,000 people (often strangers) in 89 countries, including NZ. Rising Moon Cafe will incorporate some of their basic guidelines such as one person speaks at the time, a facilitator oversees the gathering, there is respect for different views, no set agenda, and it is not a counselling session. Anything that is repeated after the cafe is not to be linked to a person. There is not to be advertising of products or pushing one’s own views like environmental, political and religious. Its main focus is to give people opportunities to talk about their own experiences and thoughts about end of life and death . The name of Rising Moon Cafe comes from the reflective quality of the moon as it reflects the sun’s light. As death draws near, the importance of reflecting on one’s life can also be beneficial as life and death are part of a whole, as we heard in the Living of the Pathways towards Death series. Rudolf Steiner discussed life after death, and how the first of the planetary spheres that the soul then goes through is that of the Moon, where one’s life on earth is reflected - hence the name of Rising Moon Cafe. You are warmly invited to Rising Moon Cafe at 3.00 to 4.30 p.m. on Sunday, 6th October, to talk about end of life and death and your own experiences,, and to bring our Living on the Pathway towards Death sessions to rest for this year. Diana Bacchus and Bernie Raichle *************************************************************************** Eurythmy on Tour'Be what you are – give what you have' 7.30pm, Sunday 20th October
In NZ the opportunity to watch professional stage eurythmy rarely occurs. We are excited to announce that in October Cornelia Klose is touring the country with her solo-programme 'Be what you are – give what you have'. Cornelia has dedicated her eurythmy-life to the arts and has performed and taught eurythmy-students world-wide, including China and is currently still working in Vietnam. She has lived in the Philippines where she was daily confronted with Human Rights violations. Returning to Europe she became increasingly aware of the desecration in her own culture. These experiences inspired her to this programme, ‘Homage to the Human Rights’. ‘Be what you are- Give what you have' is a poetical and musical journey through some of the essential articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Cornelia will be accompanied by Elien Hoffmans Speech, Ingrid Palmer piano, Miru Shimaoka (ex Taikura student) violin. The performance will be held at Taikura Rudolf Steiner School Door Tickets: Adults $20, Students $15 *************************************************************************** Quotation part 3: The Christ Impulse in Historical Development. Part 3 So, we have to be clear that in so far as we speak about Bodhisattvas or Buddhas we do not come near to the Christ. For Christ is a macrocosmic being who became connected with the earth for the first time through the baptism by John. That was the physical manifestation. Now the etheric manifestation is coming, then will come the astral one and a higher one still after that. Human beings will first have to be far advanced before they experience this higher stage. What human beings can experience belongs to the general laws of the earth. The Being whom we call by the name of Christ or by other names will also bring about what we can describe as the saving of all the souls on earth for the Jupiter existence, whilst everything else will fall away with the earth. Anthroposophy is not something arbitrary, but something of importance that had to come into the world. The world must learn to understand the Christ Being who lived for three years on the earth. That was at the beginning of our present era. In my book The Spiritual Guidance of Man and Humanity you will find details about the two Jesus boys. The Christ Event was prepared for by a personality connected with the sect of the Essenes, Jeshu ben Pandira, who was born a hundred years before the two Jesus boys were born in Palestine. So you have to distinguish between them and Jeshu ben Pandira, of whom Haeckel,8 among others, has spoken in a most derogatory way. The Matthew Gospel,9 in the main, originated from this most exalted person, Jeshu ben Pandira, as a preparation for what was to come. In what way should we understand the relationship of Jeshu ben Pandira to Jesus of Nazareth? To begin with the individualities have nothing to do with one another, except that one prepared the way for the other; as individualities they are in no way related. The facts are that in one of the Jesus boys, the one described in the Luke Gospel, we have a somewhat indefinable individuality, so far difficult to understand in that He could speak immediately after birth in such a way that His mother could understand Him. He was not intellectual, this individuality of the Luke Gospel, but tremendously vital and elemental in the realm of moral feelings. The astral body of this being was influenced by the individuality of the Buddha. When he had reached the Buddha stage, Buddha did not need to incarnate on earth any further. As long as he was a Bodhisattva he continued to incarnate. After he had become Buddha he was active from the higher worlds, and his activity flowed through—the astral body of the Jesus of the Luke Gospel. The forces emanating from Buddha are in the astral body of this Jesus boy. Thus the Buddha stream is contained within the Jesus of Nazareth stream. On the other hand, what is told in Eastern writings and is also known to be correct by Western occultists, is that in the moment when the Bodhisattva becomes Buddha a new Bodhisattva appears. In the moment when Gautama Buddha became Buddha this Bodhisattva individuality was taken from the earth, and a new Bodhisattva became active. He is the Bodhisattva who is to become a Buddha in due time. In fact the time is exactly determined when the successor of Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, will become a Buddha: five thousand years after the enlightenment of Buddha beneath the bodhi tree. Roughly three thousand years after our time the world will experience the Maitreya Buddha incarnation, which will be the last incarnation of Jeshu ben Pandira. This Bodhisattva, who will come as Maitreya Buddha, will also come in a physical body in our century in his reincarnation in the flesh—but not as Buddha—and he will make it his task to give humanity all the true concepts about the Christ Event. Genuine occultists recognise the incarnations of the Bodhisattva, the Maitreya Buddha-to-be. In the same way as other human beings, this individuality will also go through a development of the etheric body. When humanity becomes more like him who is to become the Maitreya Buddha, then this individuality will go through a special development that in a certain respect in its highest stages will be something like the baptism of Jesus of Nazareth: he will undergo an exchange of individuality. In both cases another individuality comes in. They grow up as children in the world, and after a certain number of years their individuality is exchanged. It is not a continuous development, but a development that undergoes a break, as was the case with Jesus. In His case there was an exchange of individuality of this kind in the twelfth year and then again at the baptism by John. This kind of exchange occurs, too, with the Bodhisattva who is to become the Maitreya Buddha. These individualities are suddenly as it were fructified by another. The Maitreya Buddha, in particular, will live with a certain individuality until his thirtieth year, and then an exchange will occur in him, as we find with Jesus of Nazareth during the baptism in Jordan. We will always recognise the Maitreya Buddha, however, in that nothing will be known of him prior to the exchange of individuality, even though he is present. And then he will suddenly reveal himself. The leading of an unknown life is the characteristic of all Bodhisattvas that are to become Buddhas. The human individuality in the future will have to be more and more self-reliant. It will be a characteristic of his that he will pass unknown in the world for many years, and it will only be possible to recognise him then through the fact that he works from out of his own inner strength as a self-reliant individual. For thousands of years past, and now by occultists of the present day, it is recognised as an essential that the nature of his being remain unknown throughout his youth until the time of the birth of the intellectual soul, indeed even until the birth of the consciousness soul, and that he will come into his own with the help of nobody but himself. That is why it is so important to be to a certain degree uncompromising. Any true occultist would find it strange for a Buddha to appear in the twentieth century, as every occultist knows that he can only come five thousand years after Gautama Buddha. However a Bodhisattva can and will be incarnated. It is part of an occultist's basic knowledge that the Maitreya Buddha will be unknown in his youth. That is why I have been emphasising for years that we should bear this principle of occultism in mind: before a certain age nobody should be given the duty from certain central places to speak about occult matters. This has been stressed for years. When younger people speak, they may do this for good reasons, but they do not do it as an occult duty. The Maitreya Buddha will make himself known through his own power. He will appear in such a way that he can receive no help except from the power of his own soul being. To approach true theosophy, understanding for the whole of earth development is a necessity. Those who do not develop this understanding will destroy the life in the modern theosophical movement. From: Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz. GA 130 I. The Christ Impulse in Historical Development I. 17 September 1911, Lugano
Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2024 |
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