There is a discount for paid-up/financial members of the HB Branch wishing to hire rooms for a personal event.
When the rooms are used for anthroposophical meetings they are not "hired", but they must be booked via the website or the Treasurer). For such meetings attendees are expected to make KOHA contributions in the foyer box. Robin Bacchus, Treasurer.
On request of the Play Group using the Centre, the Committee has considered and decided to implement a Smoke/Vape/Alcohol-free policy for the whole Rudolf Steiner Centre building and grounds as from 1 January 2025.
Dianna Brindsen shares:
"Torin has opened the summer residence for a few more participants, followed by his online program. It's a transformational opportunity for Waldorf schools and anthroposophical organisations. We have a number of participants coming from Australia."
The idea of an anthroposophical university goes back to last years of Steiner’s life, when numerous young people approached him about integrating anthroposophical thoughts into their conventional tertiary studies. Before that he had often referred in lectures to the deficiencies of normal university education, especially its fundamentally materialistic outlook.
Two universities in Germany developed out of a background of anthroposophical thinking – Alanus University of Arts and Social Science and Witten/Herdecke University. Both of these offer state-accredited degree courses. There is also the Heliopolis University in Egypt, which is likewise state-accredited.
The central part of the mission of the Education for Social Renewal Foundation (though its corporate trustee Archeus Social Ltd) is to assist the creation of a university in Australia inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner. Archeus Social Ltd is also the trustee of Archeus Social Building Fund and Archeus Social Scholarship Fund. All four entities are charities.
In 2024, under the auspices of the Education for Social Renewal Foundation, a feasibility study of a new university in Western Australia was completed. It will be, as we envision it, entirely free from the government. We see no reason for bureaucratic control of what courses we offer and even the use of the word “university”. The threefold social archetype we will be the basis of its organisation. We developed a 100-page feasibility document which can be found at:
This is an exciting initiative towards the education of those that have incarnated with the intent of creating the new ways of the future. It is still only an idea, a potential, but the feasibility document is a big step towards its coming into being. The university will need tutors and teachers, who are deeply grounded in Goethe’s way of artistic science and how it applies to all the disciplines. For more on this go to:
We are planning a teleconference on this theme in the week of 13th January 2025. If you would like to be part of this teleconference (people outside Australia are welcome) please register with Pieter Lottering at, or Peter Fern at
Peter Fern
Regional Contacts Zoom Meeting
Report of Meeting at 7pm Tuesday 19 November.
Present: Michelle Vette, Stella Hamilton-Baker (Tauranga), Robyn Hewetson, (HB), Janet Molloy (Wellington); Emma Ratcliff (Auckland); Hilda Mazza (Motueka); Diana Bacchus (HB)
Apologies: Heather Verstappen (Nelson), Susanne Zipperlen (Northland), Robin McKenzie-Suggate (Christchurch), Sarah Oliver (Hamilton), Anne Mansart (Auckland).
Hawkes Bay
Robyn H. HB Centre has new insulation, Building and Property are looking very well, the team is working well together, various gatherings, and First Class is held monthly.
Diana - Series on Living on the Pathway towards Death that she and Bernie Raichle arranged was well attended, including talks by Anthroposophical nurses, Georgina Langdale, Kathryn Perks and the series concluded with a talk by Jocelyn Freeman. Two books recommended - My Advance Care Plan and Guide, free from and When I Die, a record of personal information and requests by Kathryn Perks, available online or phone her 021 2558839.
A Weekly newsletter keeps people in touch with activities.
Michelle - First Class lessons are held monthly, at present the Recapitulations, with 4 readers taking turns , Sue Simpson, Michelle Vette, Jocelyn Freeman, Patricia Glover.
Hilda - A Spring Fair was a fundraiser. They had an Art Auction, Some members from other areas are moving to the Nelson area, the reading group has about 10 people attending, they are looking towards eurythmy and drama, also workshops for parents, they have First Class readings and a Biodynamic group.
Janet - a very active year like a renaissance - monthly members’ meetings including talks and sessions by Norbert Mulholland, Ian Trousdell, Lesley Waite, Janet Molloy, Graham Ibell, AGM, Mark Geard and Emily Fletcher, and Aurora Medical Section which has doctors, therapists and nurses. The recent touring Eurythmy performance at the school was well received.
Property and Constitution of the Charitable Trust: They are looking into plans for 2025. Maintenance of their old building is ongoing and needs time, energy and money; but it looks lovely with outdoor area having been worked on. There are study and medical groups and Frist Class, Fiona, Gaylene and Janet are the main class holders, with Lesley Waite travelling to Palmerston North monthly to hold Class there.
Wellington is hosting a meeting in February reviewing the new Charities Act, led by Darien Mahoney. The Charities Commission has webinars to help with this work, also the Charities Commission website gives further information.
Stella said the reading group, attended by 7 or 8 people is studying Rudolf Steiner’s lectures, 1904, on Life Between Death and a New Birth and there are lively discussions. About the same number attend the monthly First Class readings. Cornellia’s eurythmy performance was well received but attendance was disappointing. It was a different kind of performance without the perhaps expected colours and veils. Maybe people need some informative sessions about what eurythmy is and what it is to watch eurythmy. Nadine is to speak at the school about Advent. Discussion followed about the Christmas Plays with Robyn H saying that Hohepa did not want the Paradise Play performed. Michelle’s visit to Tauranga in September was appreciated and helpful.
Emma - Financial, processes for audits and other changes are required by the Charities Act including changes to the Chrystal Bridge. Richard Drexel gave an inspiring talk.
The Council members are working well together often with good discussions . A newsletter will come out shortly.
The process for new membership and the Rose Membrship card is being reviewed so that it is not so complicated and so that it does not take so long for new members to receive it.
What happens to all the new members that we have, about 15 to 20 year? Some branches contact new members but not all. We need to go towards them not expect them to come to events. Our activities are often very established but new members are often younger. What are they looking for and how can build bridges, go toward them and support their needs. Local groups need to be told of new members in their areas. Maybe zoom sessions for new members twice a year or so. Written and spoken language helps when it is contemporary and modern.
Robyn H said that she appreciated how Sue S would show slides and talk about her visits to Dornach to keep people informed as most people from NZ do not get to Dornach.
Michelle outlined how she visits areas regularly, (e.g. Auckland twice this year) writes about her trips in the newsletters /Scope and would like people in different areas to invite her to talk, rather than her having to initiate that.
Suggestions- that we could incorporate technology more, maybe Instagram accounts or different platforms, costs of joining some related to Europe/Dornach are expensive.
Who could research ways that Dornach communications can be reached/found electronically so that this information can go in newsletters.
Please see the screen shot at the end of this report- a 30 % discount for Das Goetheanum for a year is on offer until 30/11/24. [we are 13 hours ahead- so be quick]
Dornach has not given themes for the years for a couple of years but is working on aspects relating to the 100 years since R Steiner died and hopefully Branches can also work with this theme and arrange activities/events.
A book arising from the World Conference, Reshaping a World Movement, in 2023, has been produced and Michelle will ensure Branches have copies.
Nic Parkes attended the 2nd Treasurers meeting with people from around the world.
It was expressed that these Zoom meetings are appreciated. They will be on the third Tuesday of the month, 7.00p.m., the next one being 18th February.
A Scope plans to be produced before Christmas. AGM minutes are on the website.
Michelle was thanked for all the work she does.

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