News 52: Sunday 29 DecemberAnthroposophy in Hawkes BayNewsletter 52 for Sunday 29 December 2024 -- final for 2024 Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
The Committee ask that visitors to events in the Centre pay a contribution into the Koha box in the Foyer, as we we have regular bills for electric power, city rates, insurance, and maintenance for an aging building. FLORIAN ROGER Florian's sister, Elodie, writes: "We are very glad to have been able to meet people that knew and love Florian, it was a pleasure to meet everyone, they welcomed us very warmly. It was important for us to be on Florian's footsteps and to have as much as possible a full picture of his life in New Zealand. We thank everyone who came to meet us and all the kindness and stories they shared with us. Thanks also to Hamish for being with us all the time and helping to make this meeting possible. We are very grateful. Laurence (mother), Jean-Pierre (father), Chantal (Jean-Pierre's wife) and Elodie (sister)." Florian's mother Laurence, sister Elodie, father's wife Chantal and father Jean-Pierre by the rose about to be planted in memory of Florian. Financial Gift for Florian's FamilyAs a gesture of gratitude and goodwill, Deryn gave an envelope containing $1000 (in anticipation that others would support her) to Florian's family with a message that said: "For your New Zealand trip, with much love from Florian's many friends." Greetings, "If you would like to be one of the many friends to help financially uplift this beautiful family, who have travelled so far with such courage and openness to bring us together, then donations can be made to: D L MENZIES. 38-9001-0641433-06 Any funds received will partly re-imburse the money already given; if the sum is exceeded, the extra will be forwarded to them, for the next part of their journey. Many people have responded generously to this gesture, but if you still wish to give something, the details are above. "In 1984, Alan and Kaye Keats moved from the Hokianga Harbour in Northland to Hawke's Bay so that their children could attend the Rudolf Steiner School Hastings (now Taikura). The same year, Alan, along with two other parents of the school, opened a wholefood shop in Hastings, which had grown from a weekly Friday market held at the school. Originally the shop was set up as a charitable trust to support the Steiner School in Hastings, but in 1995, the shop went up for sale and Kaye and Alan decided to buy it. They renamed the business Cornucopia after the 'horn of plenty' represented in Greek legend, symbolising a continual abundance of fruits, flowers, herbs and vegetables. In 2001, with a continually expanding range of products, Cornucopia moved to larger premises closer to the centre of Hastings. An organic cafe was also established in the same premises, which has been through several owners over the years, but is now owned and operated by Off The Track. Cornucopia has been continually expanding and improving and includes a purpose built Herbal Dispensary and a two-roomed health clinic which is used by Cornucopia's qualified Naturopaths & Herbalists, as well as local independent health practitioners." [from Cornucopia's website] ~~~~~~~~ Many people came to Hellyer's Lane to farewell Alan yesterday. There will be a Memorial Meeting in the Rudolf Steiner Centre on a date and time yet to be decided, where those who knew Alan can share and celebrate his being, his life and achievements. ******************************************************* Reader's comments and contributions for this section of the Newsletter below the ***** line are warmly invited. Contact the Editor
Posted: Sun 29 Dec 2024 |
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