News 1: Sunday 5 January

Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay

Newsletter 1 for Sunday 5 January 2025              

Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates

In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.

  • Memorial Meeting for Alan Keats at a date later in January TBA.
  • Sunday 30 March 2025. 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's death.
  • Kolisko Conference "Great Expectations "in Taikura School 11-14 April 2025. 
    Taikura was founded as a Rudolf Steiner School 75 years ago.

    The Committee ask that visitors to events in the Centre pay a contribution into the Koha box in the Foyer, as we we have regular bills for electric power, city rates, insurance, and maintenance for an aging building.


A new year calendar has begun;  this century is nearly one-quarter over.

It does feel strange to celebrate a new year beginning in the height of summer, when soul-wise we experience the outer year in nature as starting in late winter, proceeding through spring and summer, as plants, especially annual plants, awaken for another season, fruit in autumn, and then the year closes when they die away.  We carry these habits from the northern temperate regions as they do not arise here starting in January. 

The tropical regions have a very different experience of the year and its seasons, expressing it more through weather phenomena, such as a wet/rainy/monsoon season and a dry season.

On the other hand, the calendar year fits much more with our inner year, such as the academic year, where the inwardness of winter in the middle of the year is an advantage.

Looking ahead to this centennial year of Rudolf Steiner's death, it would be nice to have a full programme of activities that we can share with the public of Hawkes Bay that celebrate or highlight what Anthroposophy can offer to society and individuals, despite the passage of time since it was introduced.  Our call goes out to all readers to consider what each can provide or want to see happen.  This weekly Newsletter is a place where ideas can be shared.

The various study/learning groups are also part of the inward year. In the next Newsletters, I would like to publish a full list of groups that meet, with details of the topic or theme, the meeting place and dates/times, whether new people are invited to join, and whom they should contact.

Let us make this Newsletter a place of sharing.

Please contact the Editor at   


Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2025
