Newsletter 8: Sunday 23 February 2025

Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay          

Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates

In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.

  • Weekend 22-23 February. Workshop on "New Regulations for Charitable Entities" will be attended by delegates from ASNZ and the Branches in Auckland, Hawkes Bay, and Wellington which own properties. Now postponed sine die.
  • Thursday 27 February at 5:30 pm.  Branch Committee meets.
  • Friday 28 February 7pm The Michael Mystery Study Group. Read p132 "A Christmas study: The Mystery of the Logos".  LT 137 to 139.
  • Friday 28 February at Taruna College. Art of Curative Eurythmy course starts.
  • Saturday 1 March. 9:30 to noon. School of Spiritual Science: 4th Recapitulation lesson
  • Friday 7 March at 7:30 pm. Peter Selg will present a talk via Zoom for NZ audiences on ‘Rudolf Steiner's last months, the time in the atelier’
  • Friday 7 to Sunday 9 March. Supportive Therapies workshop at Taruna College. 
  • Saturday 22 March (Equinox) Autumn and Michael Festival.
  • Sunday 30 March 2025. 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's death.
  • Monday 31 March Margaret-Mary Farr's Kairos Artistic Therapy training starts
  • Kolisko Conference "Great Expectations" in Taikura School 11-14 April 2025. 
    Taikura was established as a Rudolf Steiner School 75 years ago in 1950.
  • Saturday 26 April at 3 pm.  HB Branch AGM.

    The Committee ask that visitors to events in the Centre pay a contribution in to the Koha box in the Foyer, as we have regular bills for electric power, city rates, insurance, and maintenance for an ageing building.


Re Diana Bacchus:

Diana underwent neurosurgery on Friday to insert a drain to wash out a brain bleed caused by a fall.  
She was in the Wellington Hospital having to lie flat on her back for 48 hours before being allowed to sit up after the drain is removed.  Thankfully her ability to speak has returned and all was judged to be well so she was flown by returning air abulance back to Hastings late last night.


‘Rudolf Steiner's last months, the time in the atelier’

7 March at 7:30 pm for talk (zoom) by Peter Selg for NZ audiences.

Dear Members,
 Warm greetings in this new year of 2025.  
A significant part of this year is the 100-year commemoration of Rudolf Steiner's death on March 30th.

In New Zealand we are marking that event locally in our regions.  Plans are underway around the country for various events.  Please contact your Branch or local contact person for more information.  As part of these commemorations, the ASNZ Council are very grateful that Peter Selg has kindly agreed to bring this talk to us during this busy time at the Goetheanum: ‘Rudolf Steiner's last months, the time in the atelier’
Friday 7th of March, 7.30 pm, via a Zoom presentation by Peter Selg.
We will be sending out a further reminder next month. You can register to get a zoom link at
In addition please check our website:  for more information on the event ‘RUDOLF STEINER On the 100th anniversary of his death ‘ March 28-30th at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland.
 We look forward to seeing on March 7th.

Michelle Vette, Nic Parkes and Emma Ratcliffe.


New Ground for Youth -
Schedule Release 

Kia ora!

I hope this message finds you well.

We are super excited to announce the schedule for our founding festival of the New Zealand Youth Section, New Ground.

Thank you to everyone who has already purchased a ticket. If you haven't bought your ticket yet but plan on attending, it would be really helpful if you could get it soon so that we can have a more accurate picture for catering.

Tickets here

As you can see, we have an amazing weekend planned, filled with learning, connection, artistic exploration and more!

Please continue to share the event details with anyone who you think might be interested in attending. Let’s get the word out and make this an unforgettable weekend.

Also, if you’re coming and would like to contribute to the group—whether it’s a song, meditation, group activity, or something else—please let me know. We’d love to include it and want this to be an event where everyone can contribute.

All the best, and if you have any questions, please just reach out!

Dave and Monique.

New Ground Tickets

NZ Youth Section Website


 The Factors of Life

"The world appears to man as a multiplicity, as an aggregate of separate entities. He himself is one of these entities, a thing among things. Of this structure of the world we say simply that it is given, and inasmuch as we do not construct it by conscious activity, but simply find it, we say that it consists of percepts. Within this world of percepts we perceive ourselves. This percept of Self would remain merely one among many other percepts, did it not give rise to something which proves capable of connecting all percepts one with another and, therefore, the aggregate of all other percepts with the percept of Self. This something which emerges is no longer a mere percept; neither is it, like percepts, simply given. It is produced by our activity. It appears, in the first instance, bound up with what each of us perceives as his Self. In its inner significance, however, it transcends the Self. It adds to the separate percepts ideal determinations, which, however, are related to one another, and which are grounded in a whole. What self-perception yields is ideally determined by this something in the same way as all other percepts, and placed as subject, or “I,” over against the objects. This something is thought, and the ideal determinations are the concepts and ideas. Thought, therefore, first manifests itself in connection with the percept of self. But it is not merely subjective, for the Self characterizes itself as subject only with the help of thought. This relation of the Self to itself by means of thought is one of the fundamental determinations of our personal lives. Through it we lead a purely ideal existence. By means of it we are aware of ourselves as thinking beings. This determination of our lives would remain a purely conceptual (logical) one, if it were not supplemented by other determinations of our Selves. Our lives would then exhaust themselves in establishing ideal connections between percepts themselves, and between them and ourselves. If we call this establishment of an ideal relation an “act of cognition,” and the resulting condition of ourselves “knowledge,” then, assuming the above supposition to be true, we should have to consider ourselves as beings who merely apprehend or know.

The supposition is, however, untrue. We relate percepts to ourselves not merely ideally, through concepts, but also, as we have already seen, through feeling. In short, the content of our lives is not merely conceptual. The Naïve Realist holds that the personality actually lives more genuinely in the life of feeling than in the purely ideal activity of knowledge. From his point of view he is quite right in interpreting the matter in this way. Feeling plays on the subjective side exactly the part which percepts play on the objective side. From the principle of Naïve Realism, that everything is real which can be perceived, it follows that feeling is the guarantee of the reality of one's own personality. Monism, however, must bestow on feeling the same supplementation which it considers necessary for percepts, if these are to stand to us for reality in its full nature. For Monism, feeling is an incomplete reality which, in the form in which it first appears to us, lacks as yet its second factor, the concept or idea. This is why, in actual life, feelings, like percepts, appear prior to knowledge. At first, we have merely a feeling of existence; and it is only in the course of our gradual development, that we attain to the point at which the concept of Self emerges from within the blind mass of feelings which fills our existence. However, what for us does not appear until later, is from the first indissolubly bound up with our feelings. This is how the naïve man comes to believe that in feeling he grasps existence immediately, in knowledge only mediately. The development of the affective life, therefore, appears to him more important than anything else. Not until he has grasped the unity of the world through feeling will he believe that he has comprehended it. He attempts to make feeling rather than thought the instrument of knowledge. Now a feeling is entirely individual, something equivalent to a percept. Hence a philosophy of feeling makes a cosmic principle out of something which has significance only within my own personality. Anyone who holds this view attempts to infuse his own self into the whole world. What the Monist strives to grasp by means of concepts, the philosopher of feeling tries to attain through feeling, and he looks on his own felt union with objects as more immediate than knowledge.

The tendency just described, the philosophy of feeling, is Mysticism. The error in this view is that it seeks to possess by immediate experience what must be known, that it seeks to develop feeling, which is individual, into a universal principle.

A feeling is a purely individual activity. It is the relation of the external world to the subject, in so far as this relation finds expression in a purely subjective experience.

There is yet another expression of human personality. The Self, through thought, takes part in the universal world-life. Through thought it establishes purely ideal (conceptual) relations between percepts and itself, and between itself and percepts. In feeling it has immediate experience of the relation of objects to itself as subject. In will the opposite is the case. In volition, we are concerned once more with a percept, viz., that of the individual relation of the self to what is objective. Whatever in the act of will is not an ideal factor, is just as much mere object of perception as is any object in the external world."

from Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path, The Reality of Freedom. Chapter 8 

Posted: Sat 22 Feb 2025
