Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay
Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates
In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.
- Friday 7 March at 7:30 pm. Peter Selg will present a talk via Zoom for NZ audiences on ‘Rudolf Steiner's last months, the time in the atelier’
- Friday 7 to Sunday 9 March. Supportive Therapies workshop at Taruna College.
- Friday 14 March 7 to 8:30pm. Conversation on the Michael Mystery letters from Rudolf Steiner to the members, and the associated Leading thoughts. p141
- Saturday 22 March (Equinox) Autumn and Michael Festival.
- Sunday 30 March 2025. 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's death. Eva Knausberger will speak on "The Threefold Principle in Social Organisations and in Daily Life and Society" - a theme into which Rudolf Steiner put much energy in the last years of his life.
- Monday 31 March Margaret-Mary Farr's Kairos Artistic Therapy training starts
- Kolisko Conference "Great Expectations" in Taikura School 11-14 April 2025.
Taikura was founded as a Rudolf Steiner School 75 years ago in 1950.
- Saturday 26 April at 3 pm. HB Branch AGM.
The Committee ask that visitors to events in the Centre pay a contribution in to the Koha box in the Foyer, as we have regular bills for electric power, city rates, insurance, and maintenance for an ageing building.
We warmly welcome Dr Michael Sargent who has moved from Christchurch to Hawkes Bay.
"Art in the Foyer"
For the next 2 months 12 works by Kathy Allan will be featuring.
- Dynamic line drawing
- Dynamic form flows
- Pastels from Revelations
- Pastels from Old and New Testament
Hope you enjoy these works....
Please leave your comment in the book.
Charities Commission
There have been recent changes in legislation concerning the charitable status of organisations such as ours, namely – The Anthroposophical Society in New Zealand and three branches in Auckland, Hawkes Bay and Wellington that own property.
The Committee is seeking a few local members to take on the task of reviewing the legislation and examining our Branch Rules (written in 2008) to see what changes need to be made, and drafting changes to be approved at a Special General Meeting.
If you would like to help, please let us know with an email to
or phone Robin on 022-398 2805.
"Knowing Reality" book,
Ian Trousdell writes: "I have just completed the 2nd draft of my book, bringing it down to 140,000 words.
Please see some information about it below.
Can you let members and friends know that if they want to keep up with what is happening they can get free membership at"
Supportive Therapies workshop
Taruna College is excited to be once again offering the Supportive Therapies workshop from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th March. This workshop is designed for nurses, therapists, caregivers, and anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of supportive therapies.
This hands-on workshop will explore practical and effective care strategies to support individuals facing anxiety, stress, and ill health.
If you're looking to expand your skills in holistic and therapeutic care, we’d love to have you join us.
For more information or to register go to Taruna’s website or call the office on 06 8777174
‘Rudolf Steiner's last months, the time in the atelier’
7 March at 7:30 pm for talk (zoom) by Peter Selg for NZ audiences.
Dear Members,
Warm greetings in this new year of 2025.
A significant part of this year is the 100-year commemoration of Rudolf Steiner's death on March 30th.
In New Zealand we are marking that event locally in our regions. Plans are underway around the country for various events. Please contact your Branch or local contact person for more information. As part of these commemorations, the ASNZ Council are very grateful that Peter Selg has kindly agreed to bring this talk to us during this busy time at the Goetheanum: ‘Rudolf Steiner's last months, the time in the atelier’
Friday 7th of March, 7.30 pm, via a Zoom presentation by Peter Selg.
We will be sending out a further reminder next month. You can register to get a zoom link at
In addition please check our website: for more information on the event ‘RUDOLF STEINER On the 100th anniversary of his death ‘ March 28-30th at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland.
We look forward to seeing on March 7th.
Michelle Vette, Nic Parkes and Emma Ratcliffe.
Reading Group
Our reading group meets every Friday morning, currently reading 'The World of the Senses and the world of the Spirit' - Six lectures given at Hanover, 1911-1912.
If anyone is interested in joining please call Sophie on 021 082 00788.
Eva Knausberger has kindly translated the following essay by Gerhard Stocker:
The Spirit-Impulse of Anthroposophy 1925-2025
One hundred years ago, in Christmas 1924, every person present held their breath in anticipation. Rudolf Steiner had stopped giving lecture cycles in September; he was utterly exhausted and ill. His sick room was in the atelier (‘Schreinerei’,) next to the burnt-out ruins of the Goetheanum.
What would happen now?
On Christmas Eve 1924 Marie Steiner read a letter to the members, written by Rudolf Steiner: “We must take all this as our destiny. It would be sentimental if I told you how much I miss being in your midst and in our treasured building.”
However, on March 30, 1925, what none of us had dared think or speak out loud, became a certainty: Rudolf Steiner had died. He was just 64 years old.
A year before, 1923-24 we had been present at the Christmas Conference. The Foundation Stone was given to us as well as the Letters to the Members and the statutes for the future social organisation of the Anthroposophical Society with the Foundation Stone Mantra. In all three we find the fundamental 3-foldness of
a) the human constitution,
b) the constitution of the (ethical, moral) social life in mutual striving, and
c) the tripart nature of the world’s divine life-endowing powers.
In their essential nature, human beings and the world are united, are interwoven physically, soul-sense-wise, and spiritually. They can only be fully understood as Three-in-One. (Trinity)
The quest to grasp the nature of the Spirit has for centuries led to radical conflicts on all levels of religious and cultural life, much more so than the understanding of the human soul. Indeed, the roots of current wars in Eastern Europe lie in more than a thousand years of conflict-laden disagreements, concerning the right way of interpreting the meaning of Spirit, spiritual, spirituality.
“Know yourself as spirit-endowed in body and soul;
human spirituality lives in unity with the spirit of the world”.
These mantric words were placed into our hearts and minds during the Christmas conference of 1923-24. They are a 3-fold (tripart) call to learn:
“Practice Spirit-remembering (recalling),
“Practice Spirit-awareness (mindfulness);
“Practice Spirit-envisioning (beholding)”.
“For the Father-God reigns in the Heights;
“For Christ’s Will reigns in the environing world-rhythms;
“For the Spirit’s World-Thoughts reign in the essential being of the World.”
The Spirit of the World is within, is at one with human spirituality.
Human Being, know yourself; know yourself in body, in soul and in spirit.
When we keep in mind that even after endless wrangling over centuries, no universally acknowledged interpretation of ‘Spirit’ has been found, it becomes clear how historically unparalleled the Foundation Stone Mantra actually is. We are more than just specks of dust in an endlessly rotating universe, but we are part of its evolutionary processes. We are endowed with our 3-fold human developmental potential, which we can use or abuse, -morally, spiritually- but always as an integral part of the whole. And since that is true, we also have the grandiose opportunity to understand ourselves to be a responsible part of the world’s evolution. Human spiritual development works together with the Spirit of the World.
“Anthroposophy is a path aiming to consciously unite the spiritual human life within us with the Spirit of the World”.
The question is therefore: what can we do to develop our spiritual identity; how can we learn to care for the sprit-seed, the spirit-child, born within?
“I feel freed from enchantment;
The spirit-child in my soul’s womb.
In luminous purity of heart
The holy cosmic Word brought forth
The heaven’s fruit of hope,
To grow in jubilation into worlds afar
Out of my being’s divine ground.” (Rudolf Steiner)
From here it is not difficult to fathom that every individual person is a member of the multiplicity of human beings and is, as such, also spiritually responsible for everything concerning the whole of humanity. And further that our own inner thought-and feeling processes impact and form not only ourselves, but also the earth and the cosmos.
In 2025 begins the second century after Rudolf Steiner’s death. We heard from him that after 33 ½ years spiritual impulses need renewal in order to work into the future. “We can recognize (follow consciously) the intensity and fruitful impact of any spiritual impulse by its working through the three following generations, through an entire century.” Every one of us can develop, bring to life the seed of spirituality in us and evolve. The world is not indifferent to the state of our consciousness and conscience. And the awareness of the individual’s responsibility for the Spirit in and of the world, leads us to work together under the signature of ethical individualism. It is up to us to take the Anthroposophical Society into the future.
International 2025 Kolisko Conference
“Great Expectations”
11 to 14 April in Taikura School
Keynote Speakers:
- Dr Adam Blanning
- Anne de Wild & Chris Burke
The Conference is now fully booked. (275)
For those who are unable to attend full-time, it will be possible to attend the Keynote presentations.
There are limited number of tickets to the 6 Keynote Speakers being made available. This is for lectures only - specifically excludes the Morning Teas or refreshments.
The Keynote Lectures are:
A Fri 11 at 11:30am Dr Adam Blanning
B Fri 11 at 7:15pm Anne de Wild & Chris Burke
C Sat 12 at 9:30am Dr Adam Blanning
D Sun 13 at 9:30am Anne de Wild & Chris Burke
E Mon 14 at 9:30am Dr Adam Blanning
F Mon 14 at 11:30am Anne de Wild & Chris Burke
Keynote Speakers

Adam Blanning is an anthroposophic physician and school doctor in Denver, Colorado with a special interest in child development. He is the author of Understanding Deeper Developmental Needs: Holistic Approaches for Challenging Behaviours in Children along with Raising Sound Sleepers: Helping Children Use their Senses to Rest and Self Soothe.
Adam is a co-leader of the Medical Section for Anthroposophic Medicine at the Goetheanum in Dornach and has close connections with the work taking place here in NZ and Australia.

Chris Burke is an associate professor of psychology at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania where his research has focused on social relationships and coping with stress. He teaches on topics ranging from grief and anxiety to how to live a meaningful life - always bringing biographic questions and assignments into the picture to help students connect the content to their own experiences.
Chris and Anne de Wild are co-directors of The Hummingbird Principle, a platform to bring Biography and Social Art into the world. They share a passion for carrying biography work out into the world to meet the questions living in people, using language that anyone can understand. Their book The Hummingbird Principle, Seven Lenses to Become More Human, takes a deep dive into the planetary archetypes and how to work with them in daily life.

Anne de Wild is a naturopath and biography worker in private practice in Basel, Switzerland. One of her main focuses is supporting parents towards a deeper understanding of their child’s temperament. Her training in biography work is crucial to working with clients, creating a personal connection between the issue at hand and the individual’s life story. In addition, she offers lectures and workshops on various topics, including the five temperaments and the phases of life.
For those not able to attend the conference, but like to hear the Keynote Lectures, tickets must be purchased in advance via the Hawkes Branch. 30 tickets have been made available for each lecture.
If you wish to hear any or all of the lectures, please email giving your name, email and mobile number and state which of the lectures (A to F) that you wish to attend.
You will then be sent an Invoice.
When your payment has been received you will be sent a personal Lecture Only admission ticket to show the person with a checklist at the door.
PRICES: to be notified next week. There will be a discount for pensioner with Gold Cards.