News 11-24

Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay

Sunday 17 March 2024                     

Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates

In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.

(** see below for more details.)

  • Saturday 23 March.  7 to 9 pm. Autumn Festival**
  • Saturday 6 April 9:30 to noon. The School of Spiritual Science.  Mantra 13
  • Saturday 13 April 2 pm.  Annual General Meeting of the Hawkes Bay Branch of the Anthroposophical Society**
  • Friday 19 April. 7 pm. The Libretto of Wagner's Parsifal 
  • Friday 3 May.  Hohepa Day.  Celebrating 100 years of Biodynamics.
  • Weekend 4-5 May. Annual Conference of Anthroposophical Society in NZ.  To be held in Taikura School as main venue. 
    Guest speaker: Ueli Hurter, Goetheanum, Switzerland. 
    More details now on this new link:
    Conference May 2024 - Anthroposophical Society in New Zealand (  
    Invitation to join: Singing Group **;  Art Display**

Singing Group

Register with or


Conference Art Display
 There will be a small display at the Rudolf Steiner Centre for the duration of the Conference in May of art  done by local Members and Friends.   
As the main room is used during the week, this display, using newly made display boards, will be on view only on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th May.  If you have art work to display please contact:
Andrea Beech 06-877 4743 or Diana Bachus 021-706 709 for more details before April 15th.  

Study Groups

  • Friday 22 March 7 pm. Letter on "How the Leading Thoughts are to be used" on page 47 followed LTs 76-78'.  All welcome; arrrive in the Foyer at 7pm on 2nd and 4th Friday of each month.
  • The Monday Night Group at the centre will start reading the AGRiCULTURAL COURSE by Rudolf Steiner from Monday 22nd April at 7pm.  Contact Chris Bacchus 06-8786883

Community Notices.  Send contributions to the Editor, before 2 pm on the Saturday prior.  Robin Bacchus


If you used the Keybox key to enter the Centre a few weeks ago, please look in your pockets or bag, for ithe key has gone missing.  If you find it, please let Robyn Hewetson know: 021-2178688.


Thanks to Jonathan Jordan for installing this Sun Shade Sail to protect the Taikura Play Group children from the broiling HB sun.  Also to Jim's Tree Stump Removal for services rendered and Lawrence Bacchus for 36 small logs for a variety of creative uses by the children.

** Autumn Festival Saturday 23 March from 7 pm.

John Allison, Teacher, Christchurch

Robin McKenzie- Suggate wrote to say that John Allison, one of the early class teachers of the Christchurch Rudolf Steiner School, passed over the threshold on Friday.
‘Our friend, and former colleague, John Allison, died yesterday morning at 1.30. There is to be a service for him at the Mt Peasant Community Centre here in Christchurch on Sunday at 11am.’


Robert Simpson writes:
In recent times there have been a number of people in and around our community who have taken their own lives, a tragedy for themselves, and also for those left behind.  There is a relevant verse from Rudolf Steiner which offers succinctly the possibility of bringing help to our lost friend(s), and through doing so some solace for those who are grieving. 

This verse may not be so widely known.  

For One Who Has Committed Suicide

Soul in the land of Soul
Seek Christ’s grace
That brings you aid,
Aid from spirit lands,
And gives peace
To those spirits
Who, experiencing no peace,
Want to despair.

I don’t know its original source, but it is included in the book:   

Connecting to those have died.
Edited and translated by Matthew Barton.  Sophia Books.
[ISBN: 9781855845480]

Thank you and good wishes,

Robert Simpson



From Astrid Pook:

Here is something on the Pentecost Conference at the Goetheanum, which I received from the very interesting events calendar of the Section for Fine Arts – exploring the Influence of Christian Rosenkreuz in Anthroposophy.

This is very directly related to the Mystery of Christianity, the Holy Grail and Parcival.

It is of significance that Rudolf Steiner goes beyond what is celebrated of Chrstianity in traditional churches and their festivals through the Christian Church Calendar, based on the life and deeds of Christ and the New Testament.

There is a deepening and re-enlivening of original/early Christianity through Anthroposophy by Rudolf Steiner, when investigating the Mystery of Christ-Jesus and his uniting with the earth as the ‘King of the Elements’ and the seasons – known particularly in Celtic Christianity, the Grail story and the Mystery of Christian Rosenkreuz.

Unfortunately the conference is in German only, but I have given a translation draft below:

The Significance of Rosicrucianism for Anthroposophy

Pentecost Conference of 17 to 20 May 2024 at the Goetheanum.

With Marion Debus, Ariane Eichenberg, Babette Hasler, Christiane Haid, Katrin Hofmann Hurter, Ueli Hurter, Astrid Oelssner, Mechtild Oltmann, Nicolas Prestifilippo, Jaap Sijmons, Pieter van der Ree and Petra Ziebig

Rosicrucianism has become a more hidden Inspiration in contrast to the visible working of Michael in Anthroposophy today.  It does, however, constitute the archetypal foundation of our striving to bring spirit and matter into a creative connection, and to raise earthly knowledge into the spiritual.  Rosicrucianism, as represented by Rudolf Steiner, views Christian Rosenkreuz as the leading spiritual individuality for our Cultural Epoch.  Like a red thread, the realisation of the of the Rosicrucian method runs through the development of Anthroposophy – starting with the Goethe-studies by Rudolf Steiner, the transforming of Theosophy into Anthroposophy, the Building and Art Impulses, the coming about of Eurythmy, right down to the practical realisation of Anthroposophy in all the various areas of life.

Together with you, in the Spirit of a Pentecost Inspiration, we will explore and deepen, through lectures, conversations, artistic exercises and performances, the stream of the working of Rosicrucianism and its significance for Anthroposophy and its realisation within the challenges of our time today.

For further information, see the full programme with biographies of the lecturers,   im Tagungsflyer.

It may be interesting for those who do not read German, to read some details of the programme in English –

I will attempt further translation for next week.

Astrid Pook.


Annual General Meeting: Saturday 13 April at 2 pm.  That is 4weeks away.

Now is the time to be asking yourself if you are prepared to volunteer to join the Centre Committe that cares for the Rudolf Steiner Centre, or more importantly, to be an Event organiser.

John Jackson organises seasonal Festivals, but at present we have no Event Organisers - a small group of people who are prepared to plan, organise and arrange a varied schedule of events from concerts to talks to displays in the Centre. 

The life of the society thrives when members have opportunities to meet fellow members and friends.

If you have any questions, please contact   

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2024
