Arts, Music, Eurythmy, Speech & LiteratureIn art we can see the dynamic interaction of different principles: order and fantasy, dark and light, cool and warm colours, convex and concave surfaces. The artist working out of Anthroposophy strives to understand these various polarities and how they are related to inner qualities. From a recognition of these relationships, spiritual realities can be revealed. Indeed, art can nourish and enliven the whole of life and many courses are offered in painting, drawing and sculpture to support individual development. A specially developed artistic approach plays a key role in all Waldorf education, teacher training and individual therapy. Anthroposophical art therapists are currently working in clinics, NHS medical practices, hospices and prisons. We are all moved by music. We may even feel the impulse to get up and dance! Even in a concert hall, we feel that some part of us is dancing to the melody, rhythms, and harmonies. Language also moves us, and poetry in particular exploits these subtle latent powers in speech, such as intonation, rhythms, even the sounds themselves. Though our visceral responses may not be conscious, speech and music inspire a corresponding movement in us, as do bird song and raindrops on the window. Eurythmy, then, is an art that lifts these barely perceptible soul movements and gestures into visibility. Through a language of gesture, poetry is moved and music danced in a revelation of the inner soul movement we experience in artistic speech and music. And this artistic eurythmy is complemented by therapeutic eurythmy, a healing art, and educational eurythmy for the healthy development of children. Humanity Books & Fine Art SuppliesA shop that supports the cultural and spiritual life in Hawkes Bay. Originally started out as the supplier for the Steiner Schools( Waldorf Schools) in New Zealand but grew out to supply the non - Anthroposophical artist in Hawkes Bay with their art materials and art related books. The combination of a large Steiner book section and a large section of Art books and art materials is an interesting one. Yet it is this combination which makes the shop viable and spiritually alive at the same time. |
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